Thursday, January 15, 2009

Behind the scenes


to start of, I would like to thanks all the contributors for making this Blog project a success.
This blog has a long story on why it is described as "who actually killed the future?"
The whole idea of killing the future is actually to put technology aside, meaning to say, people
are now challenging the Technologies, and change every single thing that they can.
this happen a lot in the Information and communication techonlogy(ICT) world. People are doing things that they are not suppose to in the cyber world. Thats is what the whole blog means. We not just talk about ethics, we define the whole idea on why it is ethically wrong to do it.

These are the people behind the whole project:

Megat Tariq Bin Megat Nasir

-interested in overclocking, computer modification, business, music.

Nimer Hammad


Mohamad yamin Bind Haji Abdul Ranni

-Interested in Revealed Knowledge

Every post in this blog is created with own idea and originality, because, being a blogger, we believe that blogpost should be express in such way that we follow what our heart say, and we discourage all element of copying since we are doing a study on ethical issues related to ICT. However, ideas and arguments may come from some research on the internet and some books. All the websites are tagged and can be access by just clicking the URL. This blog is inspired by Matrix numbers, since it is the language of computers.

Happy reading!

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