Thursday, January 15, 2009

Games, games, and more games?


Now what does this mean actually? yeah, nowadays people are buying computers for the purpose of gaming. Gaming is acceptable, but you need to invest lots of money in order to make your computer compatible for games. What happen now is people are damaging their low spec computer with high configuration games. Now, is it ethical to spend lots of money just to play games?

This thing has been debated widely around the world, especially in forums related to computer and ICT. Question arise here is, should a buyer concentrate too much on game compatability when purchasing a computer? The answer lies on everybody's preferences. Some well off people will not find any hardship when purchasing high end computers just to set it up as a gaming rig, but this habit is now practice by youngsters, who, on average, doesnt have money, and rely on either parents money or scholarships. Its not good to spend pocket money that is suppose to be use for personal necceseties for an expensive gaming computer.

Another issue is about the games itself. Games was accepted widely last time, as it became family entertainment. Games like tetris and pacman took the whole world by storm. But now, games has become more sophiscated and close to reality due to the advancement of technology. Games are becoming more violence, and it somehow influence gamers to practise it in the real world. studies shown that avid gamers have a high potential to be a criminal. Games also have impact on one's mind. People who live too much in fantasies will forget the world around them. The best example is the sereve syndrom of Warcraft III. The famous "Defence of the Ancient(DotA)" mode had turn teenagers into something abnormal. People who are addicted to DotA are willing to spend hours, sometimes few days playing it, and lose track of everything around them. This is not good because it is contradic with human nature, it is a form of addiction. human need to move around and not just sit and concentrate on one thing.

By: Megat Tariq

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